The Hairy bunch,family and friends

This is my blog about me and my family,friends and pets.
Including pictures and tales about what we are all up to in our day to day lives. ENJOY

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Milord Sir Lord Ludo the Verdant of Withering Glance
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Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Yummy Yogurt.

We always are lucky to finish the yogurt pots after Caz and Chris has had their fill.I always have caz's pot as she leaves me a good spoonful at the bottom. I'm a gentle tidy eatter.Otto on the other hand has his own technic in getting the last bit out the bottom of the pot .

Otto always says to get the yogurt out the bottom of the pot its always a good idea to get your brother to help wedge it on the end of your nose. Ofcourse I always help.

Otto always gets it stuck on his nose,I dont know how he can breath, but the pot is always empty afterwards.

Otto nearly finished.

After we had finished making sure all the yogurt pot was licked clean Otto being a tidy boy gave Chris back the empty pot.

Ludo the Cool Dude. xx


Duke said...

You are such a helpful brother, Ludo! We sure hope Otto appreciates all you do for him!
What great pictures!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Hollie and Janie said...

I get to do the same thing!! I use my long tongue to get the last bit out of the bottom, then I tear the container to bits.... just to be sure I didn't miss any!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

haha. Funny pics! Looks like Otto know exactly what he's doing.

Now we must go ask Mommy to have some yogurt so we can do clean up detail.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Agatha and Archie said...

Hoooo boy Archie is rolling on the floor!! And he went to go get some yogurt.He said he is going to put it on MY nose..I can not really say what I answered as it is a little naughty..Love A+A

World of Animals, Inc said...

Yogurt is so yummy. We just love seeing you two with the cup in your mouths at the same time. Your dad looks like he is having so much fun. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals