Last night we all went to the pet shop I think this was abit of a treat for Otto as he had a nasty tic, so caz and chris popped into the vets to get some Advantix treatment. We don't use front line here in muenster as the tic's are used to it so it does not help kill the tics.The vets is right next door to the pet shop its a huge pet shop called The Zoo.Any thing your heart desire is sold there, for any pet.Caz can spend ages in there which we quite like.Otto liked it as when you go through the front door there is a big bowl of dog treats and water which you can help yourself to.I'm a bit fussy so sniffed the bowl but decided against it as you just don't know who's had there nose in it.Otto on the other hand had to be be moved away as he thought all the treats were for him "pups" I hope he gets his coolness soon like me.
If you would like to see how all the dog toys work by Karlie and they are quite different follow the link to. and then on the opening page press weiter when the home page comes up select Hundeartikel and there you will find a small video clip of all there toy products and how they work. I like the see saw and the tunnel I'm going to see if Caz will get this for Otto.
Caz bought a few new toys but one we both took a like to was a Puppy Egg made by Karlie.Its a cool toy we had so much fun with it.
He fell asleep after we had a good play with it.Otto had it in his mouth like a dummy or was he just holding it there so I could not get it hehehehehehehehehe.
Ludo the cool dude
Too Freezing for Fun
12 hours ago
Awww look at little Otto. He looks gorgeous and boy he is growing before our very eyes.
Aaaawwwww. And he's lying on the other toy so you can't have that either, hahahaha... Not daft your little brother.
Finni xx
You are just too cute for words, Otto! We can tell you're going to be quite a handful for poor Ludo! hehehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ludo!
Looks like Otto does not like to share with you!
He is so funny sleeping with the toy in his mouth!
Kisses and hugs
Aw, we have enjoyed catching up with all the photos of you & Otto!
Cassidy x
Well..he is still a baby right??!! Love A+A
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