The Hairy bunch,family and friends

This is my blog about me and my family,friends and pets.
Including pictures and tales about what we are all up to in our day to day lives. ENJOY

Lazy Day

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Otto might grow up to be cool as me

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Playing after bath


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playing in the garden

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My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Milord Sir Lord Ludo the Verdant of Withering Glance
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Tuesday 21 April 2009

Wow its been a while

On Saturday we had a invitation to go to our breeders for a party. It was to celebrate the anniversary of the dog's she had breed.
We were looking forward to seeing our brothers and sisters and all the rest of our family.
We all met and had a group photo taken which would be going in the paper.After the photo we were all allowed off our leads every one was good Otto went straight where they were serving the cake and I took my self off for a sniff around the agility area where the party was being held. All the Airedales were as good as gold and ended up back with the right owners.
We then set off for a walk it was about 30 mins so not to far for Otto.
When we got back Bratties and chips were served for the humans and we had party bags of treats.
We all watched as one dog and his owner showed us how we should behave on and off the lead, well Caz nd Chris watched,I watched there brattie and chips it was far more interesting just incase they dropped a chip.

Here are some of the pic's of the day.

This is us when we arrived at the meet.Emma had bought some bandana's for us to ware I was not keen at first to ware them but I think we look quite dashing in them .I had the blue one and Otto had the black one with the skull and cross bones on it, as after all he is the devil dog hahahahahahahha.

This is Evelin Our Mum.

This is a photo of Luna Otto's sister they sure did look alike but her tail is very straight.

A photographer came and took a group shot of us all, it took a while to get organised but we got there in the end.

There were loads of photo's being taken.

we both stood with the others we were very patient.

We went to the river first before we went for a walk and some of the dogs went for a swim. I thought not likely.

We then set off on our walk in a long line, we were all very well behaved.

We walked over a bridge and through the village Lots of people slowed down and looked. I think they were surprised to see how many Airedales there were all together.

We had a great day it.

Ludo the cool dude.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ludo!
You had a pawesome time there!
I loved all the pictures!
The splashing time looks great!
Kisses and hugs

The Airechicks said...

Hey Ludo!!!

Well, that's alot of AIREDALE in one place...

Folks must have thought "PARADE"....

Glad you guys had a good time....

And yes, you look smashing in your bandana's......


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a wonderful day. Now we would have had to check out that water...
Come back soon. We miss you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dandy Duke said...

What a fun time you all had! Luna's tail looks very long sticking straight out!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Ludo mate
Wow what great photos. I bet you turned heads walking through the village. Thanks for sharing the pawesome pics.
It's good to hear from you too.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Faya said...

Ohhhhhh airedales ! A lot of airedales ! Waooooouuuuw. You are so lucky. We have tryed once to do a meeting but there were only 6 airedales... Switzerland is so small....Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Wow you guys look like you hada great time with all your Airedale rellies.
We don't blame you for not going into that river - it looked cold brrrr.
Miss Ellie and Baz

BarneyandStormsDaleTails said...

Looks like you all had a great family gathering. I bet you were all a sight to behold on your walk.
Barney,Storm & Airemum

Golden Samantha said...

That looks like a wonderful day!!! I like your mom and sister! What a fun party!
Hugs and Love xo