Sorry not been on for a while but caz has been busy and to be honest not a lot has been happening here.
Life is quiet here but I'm now getting use to all the beds to myself and some nice walks down by the lake.
This morning we went to the lake and it rained so much caz and chris did not mind me going in the lake, I was wet anyway. Chris threw some sticks in but they were just out of reach to bring back. Caz says I must be the only Dale that can't swim. I'm not daft I like to feel the ground under my feet. Anyway I don't see her running in and swimming to bring the stick back.There was no one at the lake and the bistro that is always packed looked desserted. We did not stay long as we were all soaking we came back and had hot milky coffee at home, well they did I rubbed my way round the leather suit to dry off which did not seem to go down well.
Im counting the days down to when William comes home its 27 days he seems to have been gone ages. I heard Caz talking to him today and he had been on the square for two and a half hours doing drill in the rain, the joys of the army. He has been really busy by the sounds of it with timed runs and swimming tests and class work.
He is loving it and even enjoys having to set out hie locker for inspection, he is only in the 2nd week lets see how fun it is after a few months.I will keep you posted.
I must admit it strange here with out him no more smelly socks to sniff out in his bedroom, empty crisp and sweet packets to hunt out and snitch on him by taking them to caz.Emma has moved into his room in the first week of him going (what a cheek). When he comes home now he has to sleep in the small room, I wonder what he will think of that.I must admit his room was always a tip I wonder how long it will take before he can wreck this room,caz says five mins.I know for a fact though she will is missing him like crazy and looks forward to having him home.
Sorry Caz is a bit slack with the photo's but I will make sure she gets the camara out post haste
Ludo the cool dude
Silent Sunday Selfie
21 hours ago
G'day matie,
Good to hear from you.
Why did your pinkies throw the stick away when they wanted it back??? That doesn't make sense. Glad you were sensible and stayed in the shallow part of the lake.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Ludo
Great to see you posting, we had missed you and were wondering if you was OK!
We went in a lake today, no sticks for us though.
Molly and Taffy
We thought u had been zapped by daliens! Glad to hear from you.
Fancy making you go in the lake in january..brrrrr what are they thinking of Ludie?
Keeping his locker right for inspection.... we bet he is still the same William "I'll just drop it on the floor" when he comes home! LOL
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
Hi Ludo,
I pinched one of Russell's socks when he moved out. Perhaps you can filch one of William's when he comes visiting?
Finni xx
Hi Ludo,
It's OK if you are not a swimming dale. My Uncle Spencer doesn't swim, he just wades up to his belly. That's all the water for him, and don't even think about getting him out any further, because he will cling on you and scratch you to keep from having to actually swim. I'm sorry that you are missing Will. I hope Caz, Chris and Emma are giving you lots of love (I'm sure they are). When Will comes home, steal a sock or two to remember him by when he has to go away next time. He he!
Your pal,
SO you don't like to swim....we bet you are athletic in other areas!!!!Love A+A
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