Well this weekend Ludo had a tick. This is not unusual but its we normally get them from may to October.Normally it is very cold at this time of the year with snow and this seems to keep the tick's at bay.
I've always had dogs all my life but until we had moved out here to Germany I had never seen one before. They are the most ugly creatures and on occasion I have removed huge ones as big as a pea.At first when we removed them we used tweezers and twisted anti clock wise, its important to remove there heads as otherwise it can cause infection and irritation to leave the head in. Then squashed them and flushed them down the toilet. Now Chris can just twist them out by hand.
We regularly front line ludo and check all the area's of his body I've even found one on his face.I try to get to them before Ludo does.He tends to remove them himself and leave their heads in, this is a night mare to remove their heads with out their bodies to hold on to.
I was told by my vet that they can be carried about by hedgehogs and because the weather is mild they have come out into to garden instead of sleeping.
So keep vigilant as these little creatures seem to be surviving all weather condition's.
Here is more information about tick's. http://www.tickfree.co.uk/
Sorry this is a picture of a tick and quite gruesome, I hope it does not scare you to much if you have not seen one before.This is a pic off the internet not the one Ludo had even though they have been this size.
Monday FunDay
3 days ago