I've not been around for a couple of days as I'm again stripped again. What ia wrong with this woman just got a huge hairy coat and she is whipping it off me again.I must admit I'm relieved I was getting hot and sweaty in my big wooly coat, infact I think the neighbouring sheep were eyeing me up.Well the day Caz started striping me you never guess what happened, yes it snowed can you beleive it. Well this week I've been out looking quite embarassing with half my jacket done and then one leg at a time.Its days like this I'm glad we walk in the woods where no other dogs can see me.
Ofcourse when I'm stripped I will put some photo's up on how gorgeous I am.
Nature Friday
3 hours ago
We can't wait to see pictures of you all hand stripped and looking the handsomest ever, Ludo!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh no, you start getting stripped and it snows. Isn't that just how things go. Can't wait to see how dashing you look when you're all finished.
Your pal,
Mummy says me gots to get stripped. Me got lots of hair now. Me thinks you is very handsome.
Cassidy x
Oh Ludo, she doesn't take you out half done does she....you poor bloke. That's not on matie. You demand your rights to have the job finished!!
Hugs and tail wags
Willow, Tess and Lucy say g'day
Wow, evereybody seems to have snow. And we have only rain, rain, rain and more rain. Enjoy the snow, but don't get cold so freshly stripped!
Woofies, Alex
I love snow but sadly I have to drive to Lake Tahoe to be in it. You are so lucky. Love,Neko
Ludo thats the problem with being a cool dude ..you have to have a cool dude airedoo!
Dorcus says she bet you look terrific! Dxx
The Thuglets
Hi, Ludo
Sure it was embarrassing to go out with your hairdo half done! I hope is finished soon to see your picture! I think you are handsome, stripped or not!
Enjoy your snow!
Have a good night
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